Annual Education meeting 2025

February 3 2025 | Conference/Education, Education/Conference

In a very productive meeting, representatives of 10 FEIF member associations discussed a number of topics with a diverging scope together with the FEIF education committee.

Updates were given on developments with regard to both the structure of education of instructors/trainers as well as on systems for education of individual riders and prerequisites, necessary in some countries to enter competitions.

The Danish representative gave an insight the results of their efforts of building material on horse welfare and raising awareness of riders on that topic. Also in Sweden, major efforts are taken in producing material and organizing events for education within the Icelandic horse sector. In Germany, a new system of preliminary schooling for starting competition riders will be introduced. In Norway, steps are taken to refresh and revive the whole system of education for new instructors.

Nicole Kempf and Ulrika Backan were re-elected as committee members for a period of two years.

A first draft of the revision of the trainer matrix was presented and all countries are asked to give input on this revision over the coming period. In this way, a new edition of the matrix may hopefully presented at the next Conference in 2026.

An interesting discussion with Mike Weishaupt on details of his presentations in the plenary session was part of the meeting.

One of the steps forward was sketching of a contour of a central online platform where all education material, used by the different countries, in different languages and hopefully soon to be translated in English which will be accessible to all members of the FEIF community. Sabina Anderberg from Sweden offered to pick up a pivot role in this process and Mike Weishaupt offered access to platforms of the Zürich University to serve as an example of how such platforms may work.

Animated discussions and an enthusiastic atmosphere were the positive “ingredients” of this meeting .