Annual Breeding meeting 2025

February 3 2025 | Breeding, Conference

The Annual Breeding Meeting 2025 took place in Vienna, gathering 22 participants to discuss a comprehensive agenda featuring numerous key topics. A long agenda of topics was discussed among the participants – not only changes regarding the FEIF Rules&Regulations, but also clarifications and ideas for the future. Here is an overview as a short summary.

  • A decision by the WorldFengur (WF) Board was the unanimous agreement to invite the breeding leader of the country with the highest number of WF subscribers to attend WF Board meetings as an observer, without voting rights.
  • The event also covered upcoming seminars and meetings for 2025, which will cater not only to judges but also to breeding leaders, ringmasters, and other stakeholders.
  • Elections confirmed that Olil Amble was re-elected as a member of the breeding committee, while Lena Reiher and Thorvaldur Kristiansson retained their positions in the breeding judge committee. Regulatory changes were discussed, with new regulations taking effect on April 1, 2025, and rule changes requiring approval at the Delegates’ Assembly.
  • Plans for the 2025 breeding show at the World Championships in Switzerland were approved. Updates to WorldFengur regulations on farm names, horse registration, and BLUP were finalized. Additionally, guidelines for breeding assessments were revised, notably removing the requirement to show tölt on loose reins.
  • A shortage of international breeding judges led to the introduction of Young Horse Judges, who can be certified from April 1, 2025. Candidates must have documented education in horse training and breeding, be a certified FEIF Ringmaster, and be at least 26 years old.
  • Lastly, a manual for breeding leaders was proposed to guide new leaders in their roles, with discussions set for the Breeding Leaders’ Meeting in 2025.