The selection of the World Championships 2023 Sport Judges is complete.
The following judges will be judging in Oirschot, NL, next summer (in alphabetical order):
- Birgit Quasnitschka,
- Hinrik Már Jónsson,
- Jacqueline Wahlström,
- Kristinn Bjarni Þorvaldsson,
- Lise Brouér,
- Lutz Lesener,
- Malin Elmgren,
- Nicolai Thye,
- Peter Häggberg,
- Roger Scherrer,
- Sophie Kovac,
- Stefan Hackauf.
Chief judge will be Þorgeir Guðlaugsson, deputy chief judge Susanne Braun as already announced earlier.
Photo: Neddens Tierfoto