A record number of riders participating in the Nordic Championships 2022
The Nordic Championships for Icelandic horses took place from 9th -14th of August in Åland, Finland, with the best horses in the Nordic countries competing for the coveted title of Nordic Champion 2022. Finland’s last time as a host country was in 2010, when the competition was held in Ypäjä. This year, a record number of 173 top-level Nordic riders from Denmark, Faroe Islands, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden were registered for the competition.
For this year’s Nordic Championships in Finland, NIHC acted as the governing body, that set and monitored the standards of the event. The organisation of the Nordic Championships was a partnership between NIHC and the organising country, pursuing to create a successful Sport and Gæðingakeppni competition. On the administrative level the competition was handled by three different organisations, NIHC, The Finnish Icelandic Horse Association (SIHY) and Åland’s local club Álenskur, following the rules of the International Federation of Icelandic Horse Associations (FEIF) as well as applying the rules of The Equestrian Federation of Finland (SRL) where applicable.
More about the event and all results are available on the website of the Nordic Championships.
Photos: Laura Sundholm