“Who is who in FEIF? – a series of short interviews with the of the persons working in the organization” . We would like to introduce you to the young member of the Youth Committee, Maja Borg from Sweden.
Maja, Can you tell us a little bit about your background and how you came to apply for the position in the Youth Committee?
Maja: Hello! I am 25 years old and grew up in the south of Sweden. As a child I competed in show jumping with my ponies. When I was 16 years old, I started to work on a tour-riding company with Icelandic horses. I stayed there for many years and fell in love with the breed. Today I have an Icelandic horse of my own and I’m eager to keep learning and develop together. Besides my studies in environmental engineering and agricultural business, I organize Icelandic horse competitions on a horse farm named Rickebasta. When organizing a WorldRanking event, you have to send a registration form to FEIF. After having sent it to FEIF, I received the newsletter and I started being interested in the organization. When I read that FEIF wassearching for young committee members I didn’t hesitate to apply!
You were selected to the Youth Committee in February 2021. How have your first months been?
Maja: They have been great! The first meetings were a lot to absorb! I learn more with each meeting and feel that I can now start contributing some suggestions or solutions. I really enjoyed meeting everyone face to face during the committee meetings in Malmö in October. By time, the puzzle falls into place, and I get a clearer picture of the organization and how it works.

What kind of work do you do in the committee?
Maja: Usually we have virtual committee meetings once a month. The first thing I did was to read reports from different countries as well as vote for the country that I thought should win the FEIF Youth Award 2020. We are also discussing upcoming events such as the Young leaders’ seminar and the YouthCup where we make sure that everything goes according to plan with the organizing host countries. Sometimes questions from the organizers arises and we need to discuss how to answer them.
What is your strongest motivation when working in the committee?
Maja: To feel that I’m able to influence the future of our sport! It is fantastic how people from different backgrounds and cultures can be united under the same rule book. I want the Icelandic horse world to expand, leading to more people being a part of this wonderful community! I also find it motivating with all the interesting meetings, events and seminars that I have attended so far!
What are your expectations for your time in the committee?
Maja: I expect to learn more about how an international organization such as FEIF works and hopefully contribute with good ideas to it. I hope to make like-minded friends from all over the world and create a bigger network in the equestrian sector. My goal is to make youths feel that riding the Icelandic horses is their sport and encourage them so they want to learn even more!
Is there anything you would like to say to young people who are interested in working within FEIF, nationally or internationally?
Maja: You should do it! The work is fun, you get to know amazing people from all over the world who all shares the same passion, and you learn a lot! It gives far more than it takes!

Ever considered to be a member of a FEIF committee? FEIF committees are the expert groups supporting the head of each FEIF department – breeding, education, leisure riding, sport and youth. Decision, changes and proposals are prepared, questions relevant for all FEIF member countries are discussed and much more.
The position reserved for young committee members offer the same voting rights and responsibilities of all other members.
Maja and the palomino – Sofie Svahn
Maja on Þrá frá Akrakoti – Malin Sjölander
Maja kissing Þrá – Elin Kranz Lindberg