The European Horse Network (EHN) published the position of the European horse industry regarding revision of VAT rules as prepared by the European Commission, by advocating for eligibility for reduced rates for the following activities related to equines (horses): 1. Equestrian sport and leisure activities. During this period of pandemic, the World Health Organisation recommends the practice of regular physical activity.
Moreover, horse riding is a sport in line with social aspirations thanks to gender equality, the relation with the animal, outdoor practices respecting social distance and a link with nature. Therefore, all the provision of a service activities related to equestrian sport and leisure activities (such as horse keeping, riding lessons, access to sporting facilities and admission to sport events, rental, training, dressage, trekking…) should be eligible for reduced rates. 2. Social and health activities related to horses. The development of mediation and equine therapy services are proof that relations with horses strongly benefit all practitioners. 3. Agricultural activities related to horses, including breeding activities. As other agricultural animals, equines should be eligible to reduced rates when they are used for agricultural activities or when they are at the rearing stage. FEIF is one of the founding members of EHN.