The Legal Committee of the European Horse Network (EHN) met on March 4, 2021 to discuss the draft implementing regulation on the identification and registration of equines (SANTE/7004/2019).
In the meeting, the response of ENH to the consultation by the EU regarding horse related matters like transport documents and the new Animal Health Law (AHL) was finalized. The introduction of new rules by the EU is expected by the end of April 2021.
As there are many unsolved items regarding the AHL, EHN requested a delay of implementation until at least the end of 2021. EHN made also comments on proposed changes in the lifetime worldwide identification number of all horses (UELN, also used in WorldFengur and by FEIF) and on the possible changes in horse identification documents (‘passports’). These changes could lead to more administrative work or massive changes in administrations. Other horse related bodies made similar comments.
Follow the link for more information about this consultation.
The European Horse Network (EHN) is a non-profit network of stakeholders acting at a World-, European-, National- or Regional-level within the European horse sector. It was formed from a Swedish initiative at the European conference EU Equus 2009 (29/30 October 2009), FEIF is a (founding) member of EHN and participates in the Legal Committee as well.