The first public FEIF online seminar “Competition tunes: Beat in Motion” was hosted by Henning Drath and organised by Kirsten Schuster on behalf of the FEIF Youth Committee. The virtual event went without a glitch, participants were active and engaged, and Henning managed to convince and inspire.
The evening started with a short introduction to what to think about when selecting music for a competition class. The aim is to enhance the strengths of the rider / horse combination, impress the judges and fire up the spectators.
After that participants could immediately practice what they had learnt, and were invited to suggest suitable music for videos supplied by volunteers, showing a number of classes. It is amazing what else you learn to see just by focusing only on the music for a particular combination. Will the song accelerate up, or slow down the speed of the horse? Is the horse powerful enough for the music? Or vice versa, the music powerful enough for the horse? What are the advantages of having one music track for the whole of the class? Or is it better to have different tunes for each part?
All in all a hugely successful evening, and the FEIF Youth Committee hopes to offer more online events like this very soon. Watch this space, and be quick to register – this event was booked out in less than 48 hours.