Still the barn, and silent the year,
In spite of restrictions, we wish you good cheer
The year started well, FEIF got off its feet
In February in Iceland the committees did meet
But woe! Soon after the world came to an end,
No movement, no riding, not meetings my friend
And step by step our lives moved online
Where’s the button? Can you see me? – I hear you just fine!
The horses – like us – got a little bit fatter
Less work, more grass… What could be better?
Less rushing around, let’s live now and here
A lot to discover round the home and quite near.
But enough is enough, we want more than this
More training more breed shows, whatever it is.
And finally, finally when movement is free,
Returning to Herning, the VM we will see.
Bring on ’21, we’ll give it a try:
FEIF Youth Camp in Finland, and to Norway, we’ll fly,
To join the great ride, with friends and some beer
But before then, Merry Christmas – and a happy New Year!
Text: Gundula Sharman