The award ‘FEIF Youth Country of the Year 2019’ was given to Austria. Each year, FEIF awards a trophy to the country that showed a lot of innovation, or created new energy, or turned good ideas into real events in the field of national Youth Work. Judging is based on a written report sent in by member associations, and the prize is an extra place on this year’s FEIF YouthCup, which will be hosted by Denmark 18-26th July 2020. The Youth committee in Austria distinguished itself by excellent team work, very active promotion on social media, including real time events shown on Instagram, and they ran a hugely successful ‘Summer Academy’, which included training sessions on and off the horse. The national reports will be published on the Youth Section of the FEIF website over the next few weeks. This is always a good read, full of inspiration and ideas that are often easily transferred from one national association to another.
FEIF Youth Country of the Year 2019