The year 2019 will be a special year for FEIF as we are now 50 years old and will be celebrating this during the big event of the year, the World Championships in Berlin. More information will follow. But for now, and wherever you are, we wish you:
Happy New Year
Godt nytår
Gelukkig nieuwjaar
Hyvää uutta vuotta
Gott Nýggjár
Bonne année
Frohes neues Jahr
Gleðilegt nýtt ár
Felice anno nuovo
Schéint Neit Joer
Godt nytt år
An Nou Fericit
Bliadhna Mhath Ùr
Srečno novo leto
E guets neus Jahr
Gott nytt år
FEIF@50 and 2019