During the committee meetings 2018 the current version of the horse profile was updated to use the same expressions as in sport and breeding to make the use more compatible. The process was done together with the education committee. The renewed form will be published on the website before the FEIF Conference in February 2019. The next steps of the video produced in co-operation with Horses of Iceland (www.horsesoficeland.is) and several new ideas were part of the 1.5 day leisure riding committee meeting. One of these new projects is the development of visions and goals for Leisure riding which corresponds to the focus of FEIF – THE FUTURE. Further ideas included the idea of a leisure riding camp or seminars as a possibility for people from different countries to share a passion for the Icelandic horse. The considerations were done in co-operation with the youth committee that has experience with the organization of the well-known FEIF YouthCamp. Apart from these projects, the group exchanged experiences at national levels, e.g. regarding riding routes and the possible presentation on the FEIF website. The Annual Meeting was prepared by the group and is looking forward to meeting all representatives of the leisure riding departments to turn our vision into reality and create an international platform for leisure riding.