It is 8:30 and time for the team test, a written theory test, but team members can work together to find the best answers. What would you make of questions such as: What ‘normal’ equipment is not allowed in Tölt in Harmony? Or: What is the track record of Axevalla travbana for 5 year and older stallions and geldings? Then comes the vet check, which always brings its own worries, and indeed one horse was vetted out. Can you imagine the disappointment? Fingers crossed – there is a good chance he will be better tomorrow.
And after the opening ceremony, the competition started in earnest, with TiH, followed by FS3 and a competitive ride through the forest. That also means that we already have the first medallists of the competition. The schedule, starting lists and results can be found at
At times when classes are running the result list is live and updated every 3 minutes. We wish all riders and horses best of luck! And don’t forget to enjoy it all!
FEIF Youth Cup 2018 – Day 5