At the moment WorldFengur has 20.923 subscribers in 24 countries. The total sum of subscribers has increased by 1.863, which constitutes a 9.7% increase for the year 2016. The number of foals born is still decreasing annually according to WorldFengur registrations. This is a global trend that affects all horse breeds.
However, there is an increase in the number of assessed horses (breeding assessments) for the first time in four years. There have never been so many visits to WorldFengur: a grand total of 830.084, which is a 7.36% increase in one year. At same time, the number of visitors/users went up by almost 7% (135.359 according to Google Analytics).
Log in to WorldFengur to find comprehensive information on around 450.000 Icelandic horses all around the world e.g. pedigree, offspring, assessments, owners, breeders, BLUP, colours, microchips and pictures of breeding horses!
Almost 21.000 WF subscribers in 24 countries