The Sport judges for the World Championships 2017 have been selected from a record-setting pool of 30 willing judges. The selection committee consisted of Þorgeir Guðlaugsson (World Championships Chief Judge), Doug Smith (Sport Committee) and Will Covert (designated by the Sport Judges Committee). The selection process considered the activity of each potential judge during the 2016 competition season, the limits on the number of judges from the same country, the need to bring fresh judges to the World Championships, and the committee’s opinions about which individuals would make the strongest overall jury.
The jury for the World Championships 2017 will consist of (in alphabetical order):
Andre Boehme
Anna Andersen
Åsa William
Einar Ragnarsson
Halldór Gunnar Victorsson
Johannes Hoyos
Lisa Olovsson
Lutz Lesener
Rune Svendsen
Sigurbjörn Viktorsson
Stefan Hackauf
Uschi Heller-Voigt
Valdimar Auðunsson
The reserve judges are Christian Reischauer and Nicolai Thye.