The Mid-European Champion 2016 in P1 – Pace Race 250m is Charlotte Cook [GB] with Sæla frá Þóreyjarnúpi [IS2006255474] and a time of 22,63″, second position Markus Albrecht-Schoch [CH] with Kóngur frá Lækjamóti [IS2002155124] and Heinz Pinsdorf [DE] with Pegasus vom Klausenberg [DE2002143235].
In the Young/Junior Rider class the Mid-European Champion 2016 is Svenja Kohl [DE] and Svartur von Faxaból [DE2001134283], time: 23,00″, second position Alexander Fedorov [DE] and Hrólfur frá Hafnarfirði [IS2003125523] and third position Viktoria Große [DE] and Krummi vom Pekenberg [DE2001157041].
P1 – Pace Race 250m Mid-European Championships