The Nordic Championships 2016 take place from July 9 – 14 at ‘Biri Travbane’ situated in the central eastern part of Norway. Biri is located right outside of Hamar, where the Norwegian Icelandic Horse Association was established in 1970. For the first time in history, both Sport and Gædingakeppni are held as official competitions during the Nordic Championship, and about 170 horses with their riders compete for gold medals and the titles Nordic Champion.
Countries eligible to participate in the Nordic Championships are the Nordic countries Iceland, Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, and Faroe Islands. The event is organized every second year under the responsibility of the responsible country. The right to apply as organizer for the Nordic Championships is defined (Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Norway). The Nordic Championships follow FEIF’s Rules and Regulations and offer a high class sport event for individual riders. The tests are the same as at the World Championships and are judged for senior and junior classes.