The education department has had a successful meeting with very positive discussions and intensive exchange of information concerning educational topics of the representative participants. Karen Rasmussen DK and Bert de Rooij NL were re-elected as members of the FEIF education committee.
Future projects within the Education Department will be the finalization of the ‘Jobbörse’, which is planned as a web platform for FEIF licenced trainers, riding schools, studs etc. to offer or apply for jobs, the development of an award for the ‘Best trainer of the Year’ from 2017 on and the cooperation within the FEIF member associations to exchange and translate teaching materials. The education department agreed on keeping close contact with the other FEIF departments regarding joint seminars and co-operations, e.g. regarding the leisure horse assessment.
For autumn 2017 Iceland has offered to be the host for the next FEIF Education Seminar, focus will be on teaching and training. Further information will follow
Annual Education Meeting 2016