The main topics on the agenda of the FEIF Youth Committees were (a) working on new projects, and (b) the next FEIF Youth Cup (23 – 30th July 2016 in Exloo, NL). Ideas still at a very early stage, but our next focus will be to provide networking and training opportunities for the age group 18-25 in the form of seminars and workshops. All too often young people leave the horse world at this stage in their lives. But maybe part of the reason for this is also that we do not offer very much to these young adults?
Preparations for the FEIF Youth Cup are well underway now, date and venue are fixed. The team is working hard to make it a memorable and enjoyable event. We also revised the questions and guidelines for the FEIF Award – Youth Country of the Year 2015. The specifics will be sent out soon, and we are looking forward to the reports from the countries. Remember that the winning country will enjoy one extra place on the Youth Cup 2016.
Youth committee meeting 2015