The joint meeting of FEIF Breeding and Breeding Judge committee put main focus on future projects. It was discussed how the breeding show at the World Championships 2017 could be improved and that FEIF should have an additional specific event with breeding assessments, offspring and studfarm shows and Gæðingakeppni. This ‘FEIF Breeding Mót’ (working title) will be planned for the years in which we do not have a World Championship.
Another work will be the revision of guidelines and descriptions for our breeding assessment within the next two years. Many aspects, based on scientific research and experiences, are to be integrated for an improved version.
Educational offers, including exchange of information and ideas for breeders, trainers and judges and officials will continue to take a large part in the activities of the breeding department: a breeding judge seminar, a seminar for young breeding horse trainers, ringmaster and WorldFengur registrar meetings and the Open Breeders’ Meeting (most probably in Germany) are on the agenda for 2016.
As usual the committee meeting was held in a very constructive and positive working spirit. Marlise Grimm, stepping down as FEIF Director of Breeding in 2016, could use the chance to give her thanks for great support over the last years to all her committee members: Þorvaldur Kristjánsson, Inge Kringeland and Sussie Lund (both breeders’ representatives); John Siiger Hansen, Guðlaugur V. Antonsson, Barbara Frische, Sigbjörn Björnsson (breeding judges committee) and Jón Baldur Lorange and Kristin Halldórsdottir (WordFengur)
Breeding committees meeting 2015