At the board meeting beginning of October 2015 the FEIF Board met to prepare the committee meetings 2015, the conference in February 2016 and the Delegates Assembly 2016. Several positions in the FEIF board and committees, all operating on an honorary basis, will be up for re-election or are open for new members. Furthermore, the board evaluated the details of the past World Championships, which shall help to improve procedures, organization and schedules of future events.
Apart from the World Championships, many activities (in addition to ongoing projects like WorldRanking) took place in 2015: among them the sport judges exam and the seminar for international sport judges, the video contest and the FEIF YouthCamp, the young horse breeding trainer seminar, the breeding judges exam and the open breeders’ meeting, the the relay ride and the virtual ride to Herning, and in November the education and youth seminar 2015. Several working groups have been working on a variety of projects, among them the FEIF equipment manual (to be published end of 2015) and the new structure of the FEIF rules and regulations as well as the statutes.