They come from all over the world and they want to get to Hólar in time for Landsmót 2016, and they will have a lot of fun on the way! This year’s virtual ride got off to a great start with 102 registered riders so far, coming from 15 countries. The idea is simple: you register, you ride out wherever you are, you add your km together and send them in once a month, and you will be amazed how far you get in a year. If the way from home to Hólar is too far, riders can join in teams, and add all their ridden km together.
The latest newcomer is an Australian team ‘Iceys down under’. New Zealand is back on board, and so are Canada and the US. So again, we will have to manage some serious distances. But of course – together we can! If you want to join in, you will find the registration form and more info when you follow the link.
FEIF virtual ride: Home to Hólar