The descendants of Gunnar Bjarnarson donated a beautiful trophy which has the name ‘Kóngur um stund’, which translates as ‘King for a while’ in memory of Gunnar Bjarnarsson´s enterprising and visionary work for the Icelandic Horse. The trophy is formed like the head of a horse, which is based on a drawing by Gunnar himself and was his personal bookmark.
Gunnar exported the first eight high quality horses from Iceland on a ship in 1954. He had a steadfast vision that the Icelandic horse, with all its different gaits, willingness to work, strength, soul and intuition, would win admirers year after year.
The Board of FEIF has decided that this trophy shall be awarded to those who with endless work and enthusiasm make the World Championships possible. The piece has a silver plate where the names of the European and World Championships is engraved, and now Herning has been added to the list. At the closing ceremony in Herning Gunnar Sturluson, FEIF president, awarded Bo and Maja Hansen with the new trophy on behalf of the team that has prepared the World Championships to keep it until the next World Championships.
The Board of FEIF would like to congratulate Bo Hansen and his team for a job well done, and also to extend the warmest regards and thanks to the family of Gunnar Bjarnason for donating the trophy.