The beauty of a virtual ride is that it is virtual and so there is a lot of ‘flexibility’ with interpreting the results. But after a bit of number crunching it seems clear that riders from all over the world have to date ridden over 50,000km collectively, and made sure that even our friends from New Zealand have made it all the way to Herning.
The collective team results ended up with a “surplus of ca 10,000 km!!! NZ has done fantastically well, and after having ridden 7356km (- congratulations!) “only” needs a further 10,000. Bingo!
Teams from the rest of the world are still 12,000km short. But individuals who are not members of any team have ridden ca. 13,000km together. We have taken the liberty to “lend” these to the remaining teams – and there you go: The ride ‘From here to Herning’ has covered the distance 3 weeks AND a few hundred km to spare! A superb effort!
However the goal is the journey itself. And what fun we had! There is still a little time to improve individual and team scores. All km ridden before 5th August will count. For details follow the link.
FEIF virtual ride makes it to Herning