The Board of FEIF has approved the selection of the Sport Judges for the World Championships 2015. The section was made according to the protocol approved by the Delegates Assembly in Reykjavík in February by a special section committee consisting of Þorgeir Guðlaugson (World Championships Chief Judge), Mark Tillmann (Member, Sport Judges Committee) and Doug Smith (Director of Sport and Member, Sport Committee).
The judges will be (in alphabetical order): Alexander Sgustav, Åsa William, Christoph Leibold, Fi Pugh, Guðmundur Snorri Ólason, Johannes Hoyos, Kristinn Bjarni Þorvaldsson, Lutz Lesener, Nicolai Thye, Pétur Jökull Hákonarson, Pia Andréasson, Sigurbjörn Viktorsson, and Valdimar Auðunsson.
In addition, the selection committee was instructed to identify three additional judges who will be invited to participate in the preparations for the World Championships and will be available to replace any judge who may need to step aside between now and next August. The three alternate judges are (in order of selection): Laura Pihkala-Posti, Lisa Olovsson, Karin Hassing.