The working group from the Sport Judges Committee met one last time this past weekend in Malmö, Sweden. Following this meeting, Þorgeir Guðlaugsson reports the new Guidelines now have reached the degree of completion that they can be introduced to the national judges groups.
Many nations including Sweden, Iceland, Denmark, Germany and The Netherlands have made the new Guidelines the main issue at their national judge’s seminars this winter. Those who haven’t made such plans could be advised to do so sooner than later. The national associations might also consider organizing introduction meetings for sport riders before the beginning of the new competition season as the Guidelines will become valid from 1st of April.
The FEIF Sport Judges Committee can be approached to arrange lecturers for such gatherings. Further help is available at
The Sport Department and Sport Judges Committee are also grateful for the support of VAPIANO which catered the meals for this last meeting in Sweden.