The Icelandic rider Bergþór Eggertsson [WC] [IS] with Lótus frá Aldenghoor [NL1994100312] won the World Champion Pace Race 250 m P1 with a time of 21.97. On the second position Iben Katrine Andersen [DK] with Skuggi frá Hávarðarkoti [IS1999186373] and the third place goes to Marie Lange-Fuchs [DE] with Ómi från Stav [SE2002101107].
World Champion Young Riders is Konráð Valur Sveinsson [YR] [IS] with Þórdís frá Lækjarbotnum [IS2006286999] with a time of 23,89, second Position went to the Austrian rider Hannah Chmelik [YR] [AT] with Náttdís vom Eylershof [DE1997234545], third Position to Liv Runa Sigtryggsdóttir [YR] [NO] with Svadilfari fra Bergkåsa [NO2000108041].