Programmers and experienced users of IceTest from 4 different countries met on November 12-13 at the FEIF Software Conference in Düsseldorf (D). IceTest is free software for sport events.provided by FEIF.
The aim was to compare the use of software at sport events, to look at additional services and – above all – to guarantee free software for all levels of sport competitions in the next 5 – 10 years, in relation to techinical developpments.
A formal FEIF committee was formed (Jakob Damkjaer (DK), Mike van Engelen (NL), Rudolf Heemann (D) and Marko Mazeland (FEIF)) to define a roadmap for the next generation of IceTest, in combination with additional services, like on line registration of participants of sport events and more information for participants and the public during events. At the same time this committee will supervise the maintenance of the current version of IceTest.
The other participants have comitted themselves to specific tasks the committee will define, like programming, testing, providing documentation and instructions. Programmers and dedicated users from other countries will be invited to join this group.
The event was hosted by FEIF and IPZV, the German member association of FEIF.
FEIF Software Conference 2011