October 7 and 8 the bi-annual test to become a FEIF International Sport Judge took place in Austria, at Islandpferdehof Piet Hoyos in Semriach, during the regional championships of Steiermark. The test was succesfull for 5 candidates (out of 17).
FEIF welcomes Nicole Kempf (DE), Petra Busam (AT), Sonja Mäsgen (DE) and Susanne Jelinski (AT) as new international judges. Jens Füchtenschnieder used the test to renew his license.
At the same time 4 candidates (out of 10) did pass the test at a national level: Bas Cornielje (NL), Bram van Steen (NL), Oliver Kubinger (AT) and Thordis Hoyos (AT).
4 New International Sport Judges