At a meeting on May 31, 2010, it was decided to cancel Landmot 2010 in Vindheimamelar in Skagafjörður. At the meeting all major stakeholders as well as a representative of the Ministry of Fisheries and Agriculture and the Veterinary authorities of Iceland were present. The majority of the horses in Iceland have been going through an infectious upper respiratory disease for the last few months and the situation is not improving.
After a long discussion and a clear overview from the Veterinary authorities, the decision was made, by all attendees to cancel Landmót this year. This decision was made with great regret and is a very difficult one for the Icelandic horse community. However, it was, regarding the welfare of the horse, the only solution.
All parties involved in Landsmót will together with FEIF look into the possibility to organise Landmót at a suitable moment in 2011.