100 participants can look back at a very succesful seminar for trainers, instructors and judges at the Lipperthof in Wurz (D). It was the first time FEIF organised a combined seminar and it proved to be a success. On Saturday, the well known German horse trainer, instructor and teacher Gerd Heuschmann gave theoretical and practical lectures with a strong focus on harmony and rythm in training and riding horses, in relation to the anatomy and physiology of the horse. This led to vivid discussions among the participants. And to new terms in our vocabulary: ‘leg movers’ and ‘back movers’.
The Sunday programme included four lectures about shape and topline in relation to training, judging and guidelines. Discussions took place in mixed groups, highly appreciated by the participants. To quote one of the participants: ‘the best seminar ever’.
Participants will receive a DVD with pictures and video fragments of the seminar, sponsored by isibless.de .
A very successful seminar for trainers, instructors and judges