The FYCamp 2009 was a great success in the US and the USIHC announced this success has led to an increased amount of youth activities in the US. The next FYCamp in 2011 will be hosted by IHSGB.
The FYCup 2010 will be arranged in Denmark, Kalö, 10th-18th of July. Denmark welcomed all – more information can be found on
The youth leaders unanimously re-elected the two members of the youth committee standing for reelection, Sari (Finland) and Helga B. Helgadottir (Iceland).
The youth country award was discussed and it was decided to add a seat on the FY-activity of the year (FYCamp or FYCup) in addition to handing out the trophy to the winning country. The youth committee, with Tanja Zabel in the lead, started selling bags, caps etc in order to make the youth’s financial situation better. Tanja will send out information about the items to buy to the national youth leaders, and they can then order it via Tanja.
An international youth exchange ‘’ is starting. The exchange is for youngsters who want to spend 1-2 weeks abroad in another family, learning about the everyday life in another country. Youngsters as well as host families apply via the national youth leader.
The meeting discussed the long term vision for the youth; the youth committee will follow it up and prepare a draft to be discussed at the next YL-meeting.
FEIF Annual Youth Meeting 2010