The Education Leaders’ Meeting at the FEIF Conference in Odense, DK was well attended with delegates from Denmark, Iceland, Netherlands, Sweden, Norway, USA, Austria, Switzerland, Germany, and Great Britain.
Elections were held for three positions on the FEIF Education Committee. Erik Andersen from Norway stood down after several years working on the committee. Jenny Mandal from Sweden was nominated by Denmark and Sweden to replace Erik. Bert de Rooij from Netherlands and Karen Rasmussen from Denmark were both up for re-election. All three candidates were elected unanimously.
Topics discussed during the meeting included reports for the countries, the report on the proposed FEIF Task Force, countries’ requirements for future FEIF Education Seminars, and an update about work on the new FIEO (Rules and Information for FEIF Education department).
The meeting gave all participants the opportunity to find out what is going on in education within the FEIF countries, and exchange lots of ideas for future cooperation on education projects.
FEIF Annual Education Meeting 2010