The FEIF Education Committee held some good discussions during the super-committee weekend at Haarlem, NL. Topics included cooperation, the FEIF Education Matrix list of instructors, creation of the FITO: Education department equivalent to FIPO and FIZO, and potential projects for EU funding applications.
An important topic on the agenda was cooperation with other departments, and this led to a presentation to the plenary session led by Karen Rasmussen and Herdis Reynisdottir.
Recently, Landssamband Hestamannafélaga (LH) submitted a list of Icelandic riding instructors, and during the weekend, the committee worked on ensuring correct inclusion of the list into the FEIF Education Matrix. There are now more than 1200 Instructors in the matrix.
It is planned to submit a proposal to the FEIF Delegates Assembly 2010 for the approval of a rules and information document for the Education Department similar to FIPO and FIZO.
The EU Lifelong Learning Programme support education and training projects. The education committee discussed opportunities for attracting funding for its work.