At the breeding meeting 2009, the WorldFengur report and the work of the FEIF Breeding Registration group were presented. By beginning of 2009 more than 310.000 horses were already registered in WorldFengur and WorldFengur is already used as the main stud book by various countries.
Another item of the meeting was the report on the development of linear assessment. The assessment system for young horses was developed according to the IPO-Assessment system for ridden breeding horses. The improved assessment system for young horses shall increase the objectiveness of judgments and furthermore simplify statistical analyses. Plans to have foal shows with linear forms are made in some countries already but it is not binding to take over the linear system.
Regarding horse welfare, rough riding and lack of horsemanship shall be handled as in sport matters and be published on the FEIF website. At the moment there are strong efforts to use modern research and bring sport rules and breeding rules closer together regarding hooves, shoeing and equipment.
Ideas on veterinary examinations at international competitions were presented to the participants and data on this topic were based on the veterinary examinations at Landsmót 2008.
There was general agreement on the fact that Icelandic horses shall be named in accordance with Icelandic naming traditions. The national breeding leaders are asked to support this effort to sustain the typical names and culture in our breed.
At the meeting, there have been discussions on the change of percentage of the breeding traits based on a report sent in by Iceland and a proposal from Germany. More discussions are needed and more background information is required and thus, the breeding committee will take up the discussions
Future goals of the breeding department comprise among other targets the establishment of a FEIF system for foal/young horse assessment, the introduction of a high scale continental breeding event in 2010, the rewriting of FIZO to have a well structured document and the connection of breeding – sport – education in goals, procedures and rules.
Summary of the Annual Breeding Meeting 2009