The FEIF Sport Judges Seminar and Test 2007 will be moved from Iceland to Austria. FEIF couldn’t come to an agreement about the conditions to organise the yearly sport judges seminar in Iceland this year. Of course this change of plan comes at a rather late moment, but there was no other option then to move to another country. Happily enough we can use the same location where FEIF did organise a very succesfull seminar last year: Islandpferdehof Piet Hoyos in Semriach (A).
The dates remain unchanged: the seminar starts Friday, April 13 at 9:30 h and ends Sunday, April 15 around lunch time and the test for new judges starts on Sunday after lunch and ends Monday, April 16 before lunch. The meeting for World Championships judges will take place Saturday by the end of the afternoon.
FEIF Sport Judges Seminar and Test 2007