FIPO: Measuring Bits

September 20 2005 | Sport

Last year it has been decided to change the rules for bits to allow all bits unless not suitable. This decision has lead to the conclusion that if a bit is accepted if it fits to the horse and is used in the correct manner, measuring of bits should is unnecessary. If the use of a bit is rough, causing pain to the horse and/or hurting the horse, a clear deduction of marks must take place and – responding to the situation – a clear warning or disqualification should be given. So the Delegates’ Assembly decided – upon proposal of the Annual Sport Meeting – to skip the rule for measuring bits (FIPO The reason for this is that with the open rule for bits the measuring is causing more confusion and unnecessary work than a positive effect. More eyes for the correct use of rein-aids will be of much more help to have confident horses and fine riding. This rule is valid as of January 1, 2006.