As of January 1, 2005, new rules for shoeing will be valid. The aim here is to be able to follow developments more easily, especially to encourage the use of lighter material. The main changes are:
– to accept all material for shoes, as long as it is not heavier than the specific weight of standard iron; however current rules about size, studs, clips and welds are still valid;
– to allow all protective material and filling material inside and between the shoe and the foot as long as it is used only for the protection of the foot; the difference between rings and soles will disappear in the rules; reinforcements at the outside of the sole/ring will be allowed in order to support the specific function of the sole/ring.
A list of prohibited shoes and other material will be maintained by the Sport Committee, under the supervision of the Annual Sport Meeting.
The exact text of the changes is available from the website of FEIF: A revised version of FIPO is available since December 1, 2004.
Changes in FIPO: shoes